fediverse Works! Fediverse connection established. soapbox.pub/blog/mostr-fediverse-nostr-bridge #fediverse… petri Feb 28, 2023, 7:57 AM
Discovered today: "A social media platform that values academics and artists". IFTTT promoted them in their monthly newsletter mentioning they are now connected (yet Mastodon and nostr are not). The peculiarity of Sendie is that I cannot find any single identifiable mention of any company or individual on petri Feb 28, 2023, 5:50 AM
Before long format blogging really hit here I posted about nostr elsewhere (still self-hosted so no worries 😁)… petri Feb 26, 2023, 5:58 PM
My nostr undo on posting is #[0] when posting with wrong keys and the relays reject the event. Saves from fat fingering and other errors 🤣… petri Feb 25, 2023, 1:08 PM
"Circa 1959. Excellent live performance for broadcast. Time signature is 9/8 with a 4/4 swing. Paul Desmond is smooth (as always) on alto. Dave Brubeck plays a very energetic piano solo. Keep an eye out for the smoking babes."… petri Feb 25, 2023, 10:32 AM
What am I doing wrong or is it the usual MS thing? I got access to the Bing AI and it work with the example features but the chat tab does not work and says I need access.… petri Feb 25, 2023, 8:26 AM
fido Can FIDO be implemented without centralisation? Maybe as delegated keys since you need to be able to replace them. Signing with Yubikey et al. would be great way on-the-go with mobile clients where extensions are not working. #fido #keydelegation #security #nips… petri Feb 24, 2023, 8:34 AM