”RBI has continued to operate in Russia. The bank has long-standing ties with Russia and is only one of only two foreign banks classified as "systemically important" by the Russian central bank.”… petri Dec 13, 2023, 8:26 PM
Are there any good nostr vs. bsky explainers? The regular SEO link bait article structure nostr vs. [twitter, mastodon, farcaster, bluesky, facebook, instagram, tiktok, etc] might be useful for quick reference. Could be helpful to write those from dev and end-user perspectives. Maybe even host on nostr.com?… petri Dec 13, 2023, 11:04 AM
”The Kremlin has laundered $2.5 billion of African gold since [Feb ’22]..Russia-backed mercenaries, including the Wagner Company, support authoritarian regimes and destabilization in Africa as part of resource extraction schemes…”… petri Dec 12, 2023, 6:31 PM
”The intrusions are part of a broader effort to develop ways to sow panic and chaos or snarl logistics in the event of a U.S.-China conflict in the Pacific”… petri Dec 12, 2023, 6:17 PM
”2,400 out of 43,000 local inhabitants belong to the EDL — the highest ratio in the country. “It’s good to be prepared and it's good to show we are prepared”… petri Dec 12, 2023, 3:22 PM
It’s a good start. Now, copy-paste to each EU country. ”The current decision will significantly increase the production capacity of heavy ammunition in Finland, enabling long-term support for Ukraine up to the 2030s”… petri Dec 12, 2023, 2:48 PM