Russian hybrid attack cont: "As Finland now forbids anyone from crossing the border on foot or bicycle, some of Saturday’s arrivals had switched to traditional kick scooters as their mode of transport. Later others arrived on bicycles despite the ban."… petri Nov 18, 2023, 5:28 PM
Europe is run by yesteryear leaders that are not capable of making decisions, and when they do they think it does not matter when then numbers starts to add up. Shells today are not the same shells that can be delivered in 2 years.… petri Nov 18, 2023, 12:43 PM
@Fabian A feature suggestion: tap the top bar for top of the feed On top there’s this empty space between the profile pic, Nostur icon and the settings on the right. By tapping it would be nice to go to the top of the current feed. Twitter Apple apps… petri Nov 18, 2023, 9:36 AM
“What is Shoggoth? Shoggoth is a peer-to-peer, anonymous network for publishing and distributing open-source code, Machine Learning models, datasets, and research papers. To join the Shoggoth network, there is no registration or approval process. Nodes and clients operate anonymously with identifiers decoupled from real-world identities. Anyone… petri Nov 18, 2023, 8:47 AM